I found it helpful to look at others timelines when I was applying, so I'm going to post mine.
December 2010- Start seriously trying to think of post grad opportunities. By opportunities, I meant, anything that will involve me not living off my parents. After several hours of frustration, I stumble on to the Peace Corps website at about 3 am and start filling out the application. I do it in bits and pieces until March
March 8 2011- Peace Corps Recruiter gives talk on campus. I show up a half hour late (This is actually very unlike me, I show up ten minutes early to everything, but I had work scheduled for the first half hour). Talk to the Peace Corps Recruiter after, Annabel, and tell her that I'm pretty close to being done with my application. I finish the application later that night
March 8-15, Finish the Medical part of the application, line up three awesome people to do my recommendations (my boss, my favorite professor, one of my best friends) all of them who complete it within the week and fill out supplemental applications. Annabel calls/emails and schedules my interview March 29th, the day Spring Break starts
March 28th Find peacecorpswiki and see that all the questions that the interview will ask are posted. A smart person would spend that time preparing answers. I just spend that time freaking out, until a friend gives me some food and tells me to calm down. Decide to wing it.
March 29th. Interview Day. Show up in my suit, which was a good choice. Fill out secruity forms and give my fingerprints their and the interview lasts about an hour and a half. I don't remember much about what I said, except it was recorded, when I asked for my geographical preferences I told her 1. Pacific Islands 2. Africa, that I qualify for both business and health positions, and tell her that I took five years of elementary school spanish, four years of high school spanish and was an Amigos de Las Americas Volunteer. My thoughts after that were "Well, I guess I'm going to Central/South America" we end the interview and she says I'm a great candidate, its just been really competitive and very few slots, so she doesn't know if she can nominate right now. She tells me she will call the next week and give me a better timeline
April 3rd- She calls (I'm getting a manicure and run out of the salon I'm so excited) and tells me she can't nominate me now, but there are spots opening up in May and she will tell me more information then. Bummed, I spend the next two hours grumping to my parents, until the bad mood wears off
April 22nd- In graphic novel class, receive an email from Annabel asking if I am still interested and if I can adjust to a 5km commute to work. I reply "YES"
May 2nd: Wake up to an email telling me that I have been nominated! Central/South America Health Extension Volunteer leaving in January! I call my parents screaming (it was 7 am their time) I celebrate by skipping class and getting drunk later that night. Medical Kit is being sent to my house, I need to practice my spanish before I go
June: Graduate, move back in with parents, start internship, and start medical kit. After I think 8 appointments, maybe 10, four different medical professionals and thanking my parents for their amazing insurance which has me paying very little for all of this, it is over!
July 13th- Send in full packet
July 21st- Dental Clearance! No wisdom teeth extraction necessary! YATTA!
July 22nd- While in the airport at 6 am going to milwaukee, I getConfirmation that they had received my medical packet (received after dental clearance...all right)
August 22nd- Receive a letter that tells me I am one of the 85% of applicants that didn't fill the forms out correctly the first time. A couple days, a polio vaccine, a new ferritin test (stored iron), and explanations on both my low ferritin levels as well as how I'm not going to be a vegetarian in the peace corps, I finish the medical packet. Again
September 19th- In the airport, this time at the more human time of 8 am, I receive the email that peace corps has updated my application status, and I shall receive a letter in the mail with the determination soon. Spend the next two days freaking out worrying that I didn't qualify
September 21st- receive an email from placement telling me that, among other things, I had passed medical clearance. Another YATTA! The biggest hurdle for peace corps has officially been conquered! The actual letter comes the next day. Placement asks for an updated resume and official transcript, which I send as well as a quick thing saying that I've been using the rosetta stone program to improve my spanish. Placement emails me back saying that a placement specialist will contact me shortly.
September 29th- Contact from Placement! We schedule a final phone interview for the next day
September 30th- Final phone interview. Get asked if I would be able to deal with long distances riding my bike and no electricity and no plumbing. I reply yes. She then tells me that she is going to invite me to Sub Saharan Africa program leaving in Mid to late January. She is unable to send the final invitation then, because they haven't gotten the final numbers on the program, but will be letting me know in about a week. I give her the go ahead
And then I start freaking out. Call all my friends, goober, parents. I had been pretty set on Central/South America and it was a blow to have that taken away. I also was worried about being able to stay in touch with people. But after a couple hours and ice cream, I feel a lot better, and feel excited about Africa. Check with peace corps wiki and it looks like its down to two countries, Zambia and South Africa. From placement specialists questions, it seems like its going to be Zambia.
October 7th- Invitation is in the mail! Spend the next week leaving early from work to check if the invitation is here. Doesn't come. Leave town to visit friends
October 14th- Drinking the girliest cocktail of my life (pepto bismol pink with whipped cream) with my best friend, I get a call from my dad. He opens the envelope...and its South Africa! Leaving January 23rd I scream, drink more, and spend the rest of the trip in a daze!
My timeline was pretty short compared to many others. I was very lucky.
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